What is Inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):in javascript
Inheritance is a very important and useful concept in object-oriented programming. With its help, features of one object can be easily taken into another object. Though it might not be clear here, you will understand it properly with a real example.
Suppose, we have a constructor function named `Person`. Now, what might a person have? A name, age, job, etc. So, if we create a blueprint for this, it would look like this:
var Person = function (name, age, job) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.job = job;
Now we can create objects for different persons using this blueprint. But let’s say we want another blueprint for `Teacher`. What might a teacher have? Assume that a teacher also has a name, age, job, and additionally a subject they teach. Now, if we want to create a blueprint for the teacher:
var Teacher = function (name, age, job, subject) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.job = job;
this.subject = subject;
But reusing the same properties like this doesn’t look very clean. Because, in reality, a teacher is also a person who just has a few additional properties compared to a regular person. We want to do something here so that we can bring the features of `Person` into `Teacher` and define the additional properties of the teacher. This is essentially what inheritance means. Inheritance can be of several types. I will discuss it in detail below.
### Prototype-Based Inheritance
Let’s assume, in the previous section, we created a constructor function like this:
var PersonOnly = function (name, age, job) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.job = job;
Assume we want to keep a method to calculate the date of birth, but as we saw in the previous topic, keeping the method directly in the constructor means it gets copied into each created object repeatedly. We can solve this problem by using the prototype to define this new method, which will not be copied repeatedly into newly created objects but can still be accessed by those objects due to the prototype chain:
PersonOnly.prototype.dateOfBirth = function () {
console.log(this.name + ‘ born in ‘ + (2018 – this.age));
Now, write this in the console:
You will see our newly created method there:
> console.log(PersonOnly.prototype);
▾ {dateOfBirth: f, constructor: f}
dateOfBirth: f ()
constructor: f (name, age, job)
__proto__: Object
Now, we know about the prototype chain from the previous section. Due to the prototype chain, this method can now be accessed by objects created from `PersonOnly`. Suppose we create an object from this constructor function:
var zawad = new PersonOnly(‘Zawad Ahmed’, 1, ‘Child’);
Now, if we want to access our created method:
The output will be:
Zawad Ahmed born in 2017
But here’s the interesting part. If we look at the object `zawad` created by `PersonOnly` in the console:
You will see an interesting change:
The method `dateOfBirth` is not there, but we could still call it using `zawad.dateOfBirth`. The reason is, if we open `__proto__` in the console, we will find our object there:
> console.log(zawad);
PersonOnly {name: “Zawad Ahmed”, age: 1, job: “Child”}
__proto__: Object
Due to the prototype chain, we can access this method, and it is not being copied with every new object. We will see the same result if we create another object:
var anotherObject = new PersonOnly(‘Another Person’, 34, ‘Jobless’);
The output will be:
> console.log(anotherObject);
PersonOnly {name: “Another Person”, age: 34, job: “Jobless”}
__proto__: Object
dateOfBirth: f ()
constructor: f (name, age, job)
__proto__: Object
The method is essentially connected to the prototype of the constructor function (which we did when creating the method: `PersonOnly.prototype.dateOfBirth`), and due to the prototype chain, we can easily access it with our created objects.
In the same way, we can add variables to the constructor function’s prototype. For example, we add a new variable to `PersonOnly`:
PersonOnly.prototype.address = ‘Bangladesh’;
Now, we can access this from the `zawad` object as well:
The output will be:
Magic! This is the magic of prototype inheritance. Now let’s move on to something bigger.
### Constructor Inheritance
This is what we discussed at the beginning. There is only one difference between a person and a teacher. Now, do we need to create two separate constructor functions for this? Definitely not; this is where inheritance comes into play.
Suppose we have a constructor function named `Person`:
var Person = function (name, age, job) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.job = job;
Now, we need a constructor function for teachers as well, which will have these properties along with an additional `subject` property. The constructor function for this could be:
var Teacher = function (name, age, job, subject) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.job = job;
this.subject = subject;
But because we have inheritance, there is no need to redefine everything in `Teacher`. We can easily bring `name`, `age`, and `job` from `Person` like this:
var Teacher = function (name, age, job, subject) {
Person.call(this, name, age, job);
this.subject = subject;
Does something new seem to be happening? Yes, it’s a bit complex to understand. Here, we have called `Person` inside and used the `call` method to set the value of `this`. Now, `this` here means `this`! Why? Yes, try to recall. When we create an object with this, we will use the `new` keyword. And because of that, a new context for `this` will be created, which will refer to the new object. This means that the `this` defined here actually refers to the object we will create in the future. Now, the rest of the parts are just like before:
var kamaljeet = new Teacher(‘Kamaljeet Saini’, 53, ‘Teacher’, ‘CSE’);
That’s it, we can create a new object like this. It will work correctly:
The output will be:
Kamaljeet Saini
That’s it! This is how we inherited the features of `Person` into `Teacher`.
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