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Advance javascript String Methods

Advance javascript String Methods


// startsWith Method

const start = ‘My name is Khan’; 

console.log(start.startsWith(‘My’)); // true

// endsWith Method

const end = ‘I love programming’;

console.log(end.endsWith(‘My’)); // false

// includes Method

const inc = ‘I love programming with JavaScript’;

console.log(inc.includes(‘with’)); // true

// repeat Method

const rpt = ‘Hello World ‘;

console.log(rpt.repeat(5)); // “Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World “

// Additional example with repeat

console.log(`I always want to say ${‘Alhamdulillah ‘.repeat(5)}!`); 

// I always want to say Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah !


String Methods

With ES6, some new string methods have been introduced. Here, I will discuss some very useful methods among them.

– To check if a string starts with a specific character/string, use the `startsWith` method.

– To check if a string ends with a specific character/string, use the `endsWith` method.

– To check if a string contains a specific character/string, use the `includes` method.

– To repeat a string a specific number of times, use the `repeat` method.

#### startsWith Method

This method is used to check if your desired string starts with a specific character or set of characters. It always returns a Boolean value, either true or false:


const start = ‘My name is Khan’; 

console.log(start.startsWith(‘My’)); // true


#### endsWith Method

This method is used to check if your desired string ends with a specific character or set of characters. It also always returns a Boolean value, either true or false:


const end = ‘I love programming’; 

console.log(end.endsWith(‘My’)); // false


#### includes Method

This method is used to check if your desired string contains a specific character or set of characters. It also always returns a Boolean value, either true or false:


const inc = ‘I love programming with JavaScript’; 

console.log(inc.includes(‘with’)); // true


#### repeat Method

This method is used to repeat a string a specific number of times:


const rpt = ‘Hello World ‘; 

console.log(rpt.repeat(5)); // “Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World “


#### Additional Example


console.log(`I always want to say ${‘Alhamdulillah ‘.repeat(5)}!`); 

// I always want to say Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah !


Remember, these are string methods and will only work with strings, not with numbers or anything else. Although I have used `const` in the examples, you can also use `var` or `let`. I just wanted to keep everything in ES6 as much as possible since I am writing the code in ES6.

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