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What is  Arrow Functions in javascript ?

What is  Arrow Functions in javascript ?

A new addition to JavaScript’s ES6 is the arrow function. Many also refer to it as the fat arrow function. It’s not actually something new, but rather syntactically pleasing and clean. In the programming world, there’s a term called “syntactic sugar.” It means syntax that looks nice and feels clean. Although the functionality of arrow functions is quite similar to ES5 functions, there are some differences.

In ES5, we write a function expression like this:


var aFunc = function() {

  console.log(‘A Demo ES5 Function Expression’);



Now, if we call this function:






A Demo ES5 Function Expression


If we write the same function using an arrow function in ES6:


const aFunc6 = () => console.log(‘A Demo ES6 Arrow Function’);


Now, if we run this function:






A Demo ES6 Arrow Function


Here are the differences between them. In the ES6 arrow function, we don’t need the `function` keyword. Instead, we use a new syntax `=>`. That’s why it’s called an arrow function. Also, the code looks much cleaner with arrow functions. Where we had to write several lines or use `{}` brackets in ES5 functions, we don’t need them in arrow functions.

### Automatic Return

Arrow functions are quite smart. Here’s an example demonstrating their smartness. Suppose we have an array like this:


const dob = [1996, 1986, 2017, 1989];


Now, I want to use `map()` to calculate the current age for each year in the array. That means I want to create another array with the age by comparing the years in the array with the current year (2018 at the time of writing). First, in ES5:


const currentAge5 = dob.map(function(oneDob) {

  return 2018 – oneDob;



Now, `currentAge5` will have an array of everyone’s current age.


currentAge5;  // Output: [22, 32, 1, 29]


If we write the same code using an arrow function in ES6:


const currentAge6 = dob.map(oneDob => 2018 – oneDob);


Now, if we print this:


currentAge6;  // Output: [22, 32, 1, 29]


Notice how the code is much shorter and cleaner with arrow functions. Another thing to note is that we didn’t have to use `return` in the arrow function. Because if there is a one-liner expression and there’s something to return, the arrow function automatically returns it.

### Multiple Arguments

In the above example, we had only one argument. Now, we know `map()` takes three arguments. If there are multiple arguments, they must be inside `()` brackets in arrow functions. Even if there’s only one, you can put it in brackets, but the less code, the better. In the previous example, if there were two arguments:


const currentAge62 = dob.map((oneDob, index) => `${index}: ${2018 – oneDob}`);


Now, if we run this:


currentAge62;  // Output: [“0: 22”, “1: 32”, “2: 1”, “3: 29”]


### Multiple Lines

What if there are multiple lines or statements? In that case, it won’t automatically return, and we need to use the `return` keyword just like in ES5:


const currentAge622 = dob.map(oneDob => {

  const age = 2018 – oneDob;

  return age;



Now, if we run this:


currentAge622;  // Output: [22, 32, 1, 29]


Notice another thing here. In the case of arrow functions, we have to use function expressions. Even in ES5 function expressions, due to hoisting, we can’t call a function before defining it. In ES5 function statements, it was possible due to hoisting. But with ES6 arrow functions, since they are function expressions, you can’t call a function before defining it:



const myNameBefore6 = () => console.log(‘My name is Zonayed’);


This will give an error:


myNameBefore6();  // Uncaught ReferenceError: myNameBefore6 is not defined


Here, I used `const` for variable declaration, but you can use `let` or `var`. The result won’t be different.

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